Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Labor Thoughts

It’s Saturday morning and I’m sitting in the hospital bed. The nursery has taken my baby to assess her and I’m watching the Karate Kid on TV. There really isn’t much to watch on Saturday morning. Luckily, I had Victoria at the beginning of the week so we had better viewing options.

Wow…. What a difference week makes, huh? Last week at this time we were sitting around moaning that we still hadn’t had the baby and today I’ve joined the ranks of women with stories to tell of labor pains, epdiurals, pushing, c-sections etc. Today, I’m a mom.

There are so many places to start. So many things I want to share, so many observations, so many thoughts. I don’t even know where to begin.

What I think I’ll do, since the Karate Kid is about to meet Mr. Miyagi, I’ll give a few major thoughts and go into more depth in the upcoming week. I love that so many of you have been checking in with the blog for updates – thank you!

My quick thoughts:

1. Labor isn’t that much fun.

2. But, it’s exciting.

3. Hospital gowns are as bad as they’ve ever been – but now they have “Please wash your hands” printed on the left breast.

4. Nurses sure bustle through the hallways at break-neck speed. If you’re out there walking, say nursing an incision in your gut, it’s unsettling.

5. St. Mark’s has a great staff and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience… you know for a hospital stay.

Alright then. I’ll be home soon and I surmise, I’ll have more to update then. Please keep checking back!

And you can always contact me at

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