Friday, November 23, 2007

Baby & Ginger & Stuff

Hey gang!

I know it’s been a while. I’m continually amazed at where the time goes. I mean really…. Does changing diapers and feeding a 6 pound infant REALLY take THAT much time?

Answer: yes. Yes it does.

Not to mention the continual changes of her outfit, my outfits (not because we’re fashion plates, but because we hate smelling like milk). Plus changing of the cover of her changing table, the constant search for burp cloths that are never where I want them to be, and the constant battle of binky, no binky, binky, no binky, binky, no binky. She loves the binky and wants the binky, but she’s really good at spitting it out and not so good at putting it back in (and when she can put it back in, I suppose it’s time to get rid of them!). Ugh. That’s where my blogging time has gone. Oh, and I still try to get a good cuddle or two in with Ginger.

Ging has done really well with the change but I think it’s been tough for her. She’s very gentle with Victoria and for the most part is uninterested in all the goings-on (except for the dirty diapers…. She’s VERY interested in those!). But I think she’s sad. The stroller takes up half of her car space which leaves her looking concerned and whimpering while we’re out and about. She has less cuddle-time. Initially I thought our cuddle-times were more for me than her, but I’ve changed my mind. Now when we cuddle she really cozies right up and nestles in to get as much out of it as she can. I guess my dog-voice and my baby-voice are about the same which leads to much confusion for Ging. But I think we’re adjusting.

Anyway, the good news for me is: I can finally drive!! They told me not to after having surgery and I was going a little stir crazy. It’s amazing how being able to take a trip to the grocery store can boost your spirits – it’s the little things. So, now we’re two gals about town which should be remarkably better than two gals still sitting on the couch!

New discoveries:

Victoria gets better and better at holding her head up. It’s cute to watch because her little head finally gets SO heavy it crashes back on my shoulder in utter exhaustion.

She’s also focusing more on different objects and faces.

And, her cord fell off! Rather startling for this first-time mom, but it’s gone. She’s a big girl now!!


The Dean's said...

I can't wait to see you!!! this week is tech weeks, so i'll call you after.... I MISS YOU and can't wait to see little Victoria!!!


Erica said...

Wow... tech week! I'd forgotten all about stuff like that - does sound fun, I must admit! Can't wait to see you. Love you, E