Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I read a lot of books and magazines about labor and birth long before I got there. I’d heard the warnings - that your emotions can really do a roller coaster. They even cautioned me NOT to worry if I didn’t feel like I loved my new baby. That sometimes that can take time - Time to get to know one another, time to build a relationship. That made perfect sense to me. I was prepared to not be upset if I wasn’t blown away with love - which, as you read in my last posting, luckily I was.

I was surprised with how happy I felt. I was really happy in the hospital. I felt on top of the world. I didn’t mind the pain, for the most part (as long as we stayed up on the serving-time - Another story for another entry).

I woke up the morning after and had a smile on my face. I felt calm, relaxes, relieved, and ultimately happy.

Some women talk about how they couldn’t get out of the hospital fast enough. I was just the opposite. I loved my stay – is that weird? My sis was the same way so we’re either somewhat normal and our weirdness runs in the family.

I basically just laid in bed and held my baby all day. What could beat that?! Mark was there all day so he was super-helpful with feedings and changings. The Nursery would take Victoria at night so I could get a good-night’s sleep which was a tremendous gift (since now we’re not getting that at all!) Mark and I chatted, watched our TV shows and walked our ‘laps’ around the floor for my exercise. His folks would stop by, my family would visit - It was just a really fun time.

I sort of felt sad when I had to go home. I think a lot of that was knowing that I didn’t have a floor full of experts at the push of a button. How nice to have them to ask about my health issues and my baby’s. It was great peace of mind. Now it’s just us. A truly daunting task but so far, so good!

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