Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Sound of Romance

I don’t want to speak too soon… but I think I have a few minutes of downtime! I’ve been doing lots of reading and research and I think I’ve figured out how to get Victoria in bed a skosh earlier and actually buy myself some quality down/writing/cuddle-with-ginger/eat-my-chocolate time! Feeling pretty good about it… so far… Again, no jinxing!

Sound of Music was on the other night, did you watch it? I trudged in the house dragging Victoria in her 50+ pound car seat, my 50+ pound purse and 50+ pound Ginger pulling at her leash. I came in, flipped on Channel 4 and there it was. Now, I know you’re thinking this is going to be a big ol’ gush-fest about how glorious a musical it is… and you’re right! It is – it’s brilliant. But no, that’s not what this is about.

This rant is about romance.

Remember the scene where Maria and Cap. Von Trapp dance out on the patio while the big gala is going on inside the Von Trapp estate? Maria is teaching the kids how to do this particular waltz and then the Cap steps in. The electricity between the two is utterly captivating. I stood in my living room, with Ging running around waiting for her food, my coat still on, keys firmly wrapped in my fingers and watched. I felt flushed as Maria looked in his eyes, my hands heated yearning for that deliberate yet indulgent touch and I tingled as I felt Cap Von Trapp’s stare, “Wow… does anyone really look at anyone like that?” I muttered to Ginger who was sitting intently at her food bowl - waiting.

THAT is romance!

The next day I mentioned to my mom that The Sound of Music was on TV and the first thing she said, unsolicited by me, “That is one of the greatest love scenes ever!” We sat there with our Diet Pepsis reliving the pure romance of that scene and how brilliant it is.
Movies are missing that these days. Each time I settle into a romantic comedy, or any movie where I know a man and woman might mingle, I’m hopeful. I’m hopeful that the fool-directors might possibly get it right this time. Yet movie after movie, I’m left disappointed. All too often they completely skip the romance! Movies today do a couple of things: Skip the romance all together and cut to the couple rolling in the hay. Or, they show the woman throwing herself at the man; lunging at his lips like a linebacker towards the opposition, hardly a romantic image.

Where’s the romance?!

Isn’t anyone romantic anymore? Where are the men who act like men? Who make the first move, who move in on their woman and wrap her in his arms, and linger… linger above her lips… and maybe say something so she feels his breath against her delicate skin. Where are the men who would be slightly off-put by a woman they barely know throwing herself at him? Are there no men who yearn for the chase?

What about the women? Come on ladies… think back. Admit there is nothing like being kissed by a man. A real man. A man who saw you, looked at your perfect lips, couldn’t hold back any longer, and moved in for the kill.


Why on earth would ANYONE want to skip over the chase, the dance, and the cat-and-mouse? That’s the best part! That’s the part that leaves us tingly and wanting more. Then it’s only more gratifying when the couple actually comes together.

Go watch The Sound of Music and you’ll see what I’m talking about. It’s pure romance. The shortness of breath, the heat, the intensity, and there were no clothes falling off, and bodies entangled.

And it’s perfect. Utterly perfect.


Kira said...

Ah, how true. We were watching "It's a Wonderful Life" the other day for the millionth time and I was thinking the same thing. Remember when Mary and George were in her Mothers living room and she was on the phone with Sam Wainright and their heads are together to both hear on the phone. You can feel the electricity. No clothes being ripped off, no hidden hotel room, just PURE passion. I will take that anyway. Actually, I think that is why I married Lee. He DID HIS JOB. He was a man through the whole courtship and he made it a courtship, and now he still does his job and makes it a great marriage!

Big Jim said...

One of my favorites is "While You Were Sleeping". Some of the more romantic scenes involve Sandra Bullock just talking to Peter Gallagher's character while he's in a coma, and then , of course, the developing romance with Bill Pullman. And the way he (Pullman) later proposes to her is probably one of my all time favorite scenes....